Assignment 1/2

Hi my name is Aphrodite. I am also known in some parts of Greece as Cytherea, and Cypris. My roman name is Venus. I am known as one of the most proportioned, and one of the most beautiful girls to have ever been in existence. I have no physical flaws, and I am the epitome of female beauty. I have blonde hair and blue eyes and I am around 5'6. I am the daughter of Zeus and Dione, and in fear of Gods fighting over me for my hand in marriage my dad married me off to my half brother Hephaestus. Hermaphroditus and Priapus are my sons and my daughters name is Harmonia. I have many different powers and special abilities including superhuman strength,vitality, longevity, and resistance to injury. I also have the magical abilities to fly at great speeds, change my form to look like someone else, or even a different species. Being the Goddess of love I have the ability to arouse a love connection between people. With all of my special powers I have some weaknesses as well. Some of which include my unfaithfulness to my husband. Also, I become extremely jealous of people who I found to be more beautiful than me. I would often give them an awful life or even death. I also become jealous of other women whose husbands will not succumb to my influence, this rage often leads to their death. My responsibilities include anything that has to do with love. I am from Greece, and I have many friends and enemies. My friends include: Helen of Troy, Paris, Melanion and The Graces. My enemies are Helios, Hera, Artemis, Hestia, and Athena. My personality traits were described above and are unfaithfulness and jealousy,
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